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Sunday, March 31, 2024

 Everything happens for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence. There are times God will allow us to go through a difficult situation, so later on, we can be instrumental in helping others overcome.

 Christ stooped down from heaven to be born in a manger. He stooped down to be mocked, betrayed, beaten and even crucified. The good news is He didn’t stay down. He stooped for a moment, but He got back up again. He defeated death, hell, and the grave for you and me.

 I appreciate you all so much.

It means a lot that wonderful people care what I have to say Happy Easter. God restored me and Jesus is King!!


Friday, March 29, 2024

White Christian males gave all

so that we would be Free. 

Thank God above for them. 

We all love our families and friends. 

Some friends are closer than family 

because of distance. 

We all have friends of every Make, Model 

and Year.  ..Hate will not take them away. 

Live and let live. 

People been married to others races for 100's 

of years. If not 1000's. 

Many Black women date and Marry White men. 

Have for hundreds of years. ..Hate will not change that either. 

Live, Love, Laugh, Smile, Be Happy. 




Monday, March 25, 2024

Biden and Dems are flying in illegals.   

Human Traffickers, Drug Traffickers, 

Murders, Rapist, Criminals .. ect, .. 

News Media says nothing??  

Whose vetting these illegals?? 

What about Terrorist coming in??

Make It Make Sense !! 

 When your children can't get a Job because of all 

the Illegals taking them. Remember Biden, Harris, 

Dems, Libs, allowed it to happen. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

 It’s not up to you; it's up to God. What He’s already decided is going to happen. The good news is God has decided to favor you. He’s decided to rescue you. He's decided to be good to you.

 The Sovereign Lord has good things for you. It’s not based on how well you perform, who likes you, what family you come from, what the economy does. These are blessings, favor, breakthroughs that God has for you.

Biden and Dems are flying in illegals.   

Human Traffickers, Drug Traffickers, 

Murders, Rapist, Criminals .. ect, .. 

News Media says nothing??  

Whose vetting these illegals?? 

What about Terrorist??

Make It Make Sense !!  

Tonight every single Senate Democrat voted against my amendment that would stop Biden Admin from using taxpayer dollars to charter flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from their countries directly to American towns to be resettled. Indefensible.

Watch again
1:11 / 1:11

Saturday, March 23, 2024


 Dems, Biden, Harris, and DNC are bringing in Illegals so 

they can remain in Power.  Forever. 

Taking money, homes, shelters from Americans. 

This so they can Rule like the Third Reich.  

New York, Chicago, ect., are over run with Illegals. 

Vote Biden and company OUT. 


 US Navy warships have the tools to fend off exploding drones like those wrecking a Russian fleet, but it's a dangerous and evolving threat. 

In two conflicts separated by more than 1,000 miles, US friends and foes alike have turned to a deadly weapon to defeat their enemy's warships: small naval drones packed with explosives.

For over a year, Ukraine has relied on these systems to blast Russian warships in the Black Sea, and more recently, the Houthis have used them — albeit unsuccessfully — in their ongoing attacks against shipping lanes off the coast of Yemen.

Such engagements have raised questions about the preparedness of Western navies. US warships and aircraft, for example, are showing they're capable of defeating the Houthi's naval drones, but these kinds of systems are likely to prove an evolving threat, as they have in the Black Sea.  

Friday, March 22, 2024

The DOJ need to "Set an Example" for all Racist Attacks against Whites. 

1000's of White Victims of Hate Crimes. Especially since 2020.  

Kaylee Gain life is over. Because a bully 25 pounds 

heavier than her beat her head onto concrete. 

All but killing her. 

Where are the parents ?? 

She was only 15 years old. Just a baby. 

DOJ where are the Hate Crime Charges !!?? 

Don't forget Jonathan Lewis. Killed by a a Mob of 

15 blacks on 1 white teenager. 

Stomped and beaten to Death for helping one 

of his black friends. 

Jonathan was only 17 and tried to help his black friend. 

He was killed for it.  

 Racism goes both ways. 

Jonathan Lewis & Kaylee Gain just teenagers.  Lives taken. 

So many more. 1000's more lives beaten because they White. 

1000's of Whites severely Beaten and or Killed. 

The World is watching and follows these Barbaric acts. 

Feds need to step in.  DOJ.  

Racist attacks on Whites by the 1000's !! 

Lives Ruined because of their Skin Color.  White. 

Going after our children also. DOJ and Feds must stop this. 

Please write the DOJ :   Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes must be stopped. 

Kaylee Gain.  15.  Her life is over. 

Her beating was barbaric. Suspect out weighted 

her by 20 - 25 lbs. Suspect showed no remorse. 

As Kaylee lay shaking on the concrete 

having a seizure. 

Hate Crime. 

Jonathan Lewis was beaten to death. 15 on 1. 

He stepped in to help his smaller black friend. 

They stomped him to death at a High School. 

Hate Crime. 

He was murdered for helping his black friend. 

No News Media coverage at all. 

Please write the DOJ:  Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes against Whites by the 1000's. 

Joe Biden, Harris, Dems, Libs, etc., did this ..  they want division. Sad.