You have to get a new mindset. Start believing bigger, dreaming bigger, expecting bigger. You’re not limited by your circumstances, by the economy, by your boss, by how you were raised, by your past. One touch of God’s favor will catapult you ahead.
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Sunday, December 31, 2023
People who were never slaves are demanding compensation from people who never owned slaves. Worse, some of the people demanding compensation had ancestors who were willing participants of the slave trade and profited from it. Others, are descendants of slaves and find themselves lumped in with the slave owners by virtue of their skin colour. I can honestly say that the only person I know who really was a slave at one time, was my great aunt who spent several years in a gulag for the crime of being a member of a defeated nation. Germany.
*Educate yourself. Knowledge is important. Know what you're talking
about. Lets move on. Help each other like we always have.
*Every Race on Earth was a Slave at one time or another. #Facts
Friday, December 29, 2023
Gets Caught Stealing and Decides to Put Up a Fight
When Cops Realize They Found A Nationally Wanted Kidnapper
Angry Young Black QUEEN SCRATCHES Employee's Face, Arrested Over Repo
The N****RS Are The BIGGEST PROBLEM! | Tatum TikTok
Corrupt Mayor of Chicago Suburb Gets Arrested By FBI. Is Henyard Next?
There are 193 Nations in the World.
The US is # 3 in gun violence.
However, if you took out; Houston, LA.,
Baltimore, St. Louis, and Chicago.
The US would be only # 190 out of # 193 Nations
in Gun Violence.
All these Inner Cities are run by Democrats.
With the strictest Guns Laws in US.
- Enforce the Law's Democrats !!!!
Stop making Excuses for Criminals.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Be Proud of who you are!
Never live in the past.
Live for Tomorrow.
What happened 150 - 200 years ago, we weren't alive then.
Our Ancestors were Slaves also. Irish. Yet we moved on.
Everyone's Ancestors - have been slaves throughout
Human History.
Arabs been having white slaves as far back as the 1500's.
Arabs would kidnap Irish, Scottish, English, German, ect.,
right off the coast at night by ships.
Our Irish Ancestors were Slaves to the English for over 800 years.
Then our Irish Ancestors were the First Slaves in America.
Yet we moved on.
Proud White Irish / Scottish Americans.
Nothing we can do to change the past. Go Live .......
God Bless America and Our Forefathers.
Who fought for all our Freedoms we Enjoy.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Friday, December 22, 2023
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Whites were Slaves also. Everyone's Ancestors in Human History were Slaves.
Schools do not teach the whole truth.
Every Ethnicity has been a slave throughout History.
Imagine how United we would be if, if we had just
been taught the truth from the beginning!!!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
TRUTH about the White Slave Trade ..
Be Proud of who you are.
Never live in the past.
Live for Tomorrow.
What happened 150 - 200 years ago, we weren't alive then.
Our Ancestors were Slaves also. Irish. Yet we moved on.
Everyone's Ancestors - have been slaves throughout
Human History.
Arabs been having white slaves as far back as the 1500's.
Arabs would kidnap Irish, Scottish, English, German, ect.,
right off the coast at night by ships.
Our Irish Ancestors were Slaves to the English for over 800 years.
Then our Irish Ancestors were the First Slaves in America.
Yet we moved on.
Proud White Irish / Scottish Americans.
Nothing we can do to change the past. Go Live .......
God Bless America and Our Forefathers.
Who fought for all our Freedoms we Enjoy.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Friday, December 15, 2023
Watch the whole video so you understand how the media
perpetuates false narratives, sets off riots and then never
corrects the story.
Archives The " School " in question was deemed as a place where ...