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Sunday, December 31, 2023

 You have to get a new mindset. Start believing bigger, dreaming bigger, expecting bigger. You’re not limited by your circumstances, by the economy, by your boss, by how you were raised, by your past. One touch of God’s favor will catapult you ahead.

Happy New Year !!


 People who were never slaves are demanding compensation from people who never owned slaves. Worse, some of the people demanding compensation had ancestors who were willing participants of the slave trade and profited from it. Others, are descendants of slaves and find themselves lumped in with the slave owners by virtue of their skin colour. I can honestly say that the only person I know who really was a slave at one time, was my great aunt who spent several years in a gulag for the crime of being a member of a defeated nation. Germany.

*Educate yourself. Knowledge is important. Know what you're talking

about. Lets move on. Help each other like we always have.

*Every Race on Earth was a Slave at one time or another. #Facts


Friday, December 29, 2023

Have a Happy New Year!


God Bless ! 

Gets Caught Stealing and Decides to Put Up a Fight


Imagine actually having to deal with people like this on a
daily basis.

Hard to believe the kids were taken away from such an
upstanding citizen.

All the problems in this guys life are caused by his own behavior,
and he simply refuses to realize that.

God Bless our Brave Police!!  

When Cops Realize They Found A Nationally Wanted Kidnapper


Its astonishing how fast a human brain can go from being
unconscious to formulating lies.

I love the way this cop was straight up even with his body cam on.
“You make me look bad in front of the other officer and I don’t
appreciate it” We need honest cops and he’s honest.

Angry Young Black QUEEN SCRATCHES Employee's Face, Arrested Over Repo


the sad part about it is if it was up to her she would let that man go to
jail lying on him . She needs to be charged with assault and disorderly

She's a whole damn liar

The N****RS Are The BIGGEST PROBLEM! | Tatum TikTok


The older white dude in NOLA is correct. And, I'm a black male.
Seen what he's talking about, over and over again for 27 years
as a police officer in DC. There's a problem and if it's not acknowledged,
it will not be fixed. Now let the name-calling begin, "Sellout, Uncle Tom,
Oon, and other names" for me pointing out facts. There's always one
who starts it.

That young woman that just wants to be in love gives me hope for
some of our kids. Like Tatum said, if she dressed decently, she'd
probably attract that right man for her. Bravo, young lady!

Corrupt Mayor of Chicago Suburb Gets Arrested By FBI. Is Henyard Next?


 I’m from Chicago, and Illinois politics are a mess. In my lifetime,
I remember the following Illinois politicians doing jail time:
back to back Governors Rod Blagojevich and George Ryan,
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr and his ex wife Alderman Sandy Jackson,
Congressman Mel Reynolds, Alderman William Beavers,
Cicero mayor Betty Loren-Maltese all off the top of my head.

And those are just the ones who were convicted.

Rihanna RELEASES New "SATANIC" Puma Shoes

 There are 193 Nations in the World. 

The US is # 3 in gun violence. 

However,  if you took out; Houston, LA., 

Baltimore, St. Louis, and Chicago. 

The US would be only # 190 out of # 193 Nations

in Gun Violence. 

All these Inner Cities are run by Democrats.

With the strictest Guns Laws in US. 

- Enforce the Law's Democrats  !!!!  

 Stop making Excuses for Criminals. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

 Turn the News Off. 

Be Proud of who you are!

Never live in the past. 

Live for Tomorrow. 

What happened 150 - 200 years ago, we weren't alive then. 

Our Ancestors were Slaves also. Irish. Yet we moved on. 

Everyone's Ancestors - have been slaves throughout 

Human History. 

Arabs been having white slaves as far back as the 1500's. 

Arabs would kidnap Irish, Scottish, English, German, ect., 

right off the coast at night by ships. 

Our Irish Ancestors were Slaves to the English for over 800 years. 

Then our Irish Ancestors were the First Slaves in America. 

Yet we moved on. 

Proud White Irish / Scottish Americans.  

Nothing we can do to change the past. Go Live ....... 

God Bless America and Our Forefathers. 

Who fought for all our Freedoms we Enjoy. 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Have a Blessed Sunday and a Merry Christmas !

 God is your doorkeeper. He knows how to open the door, and when to open the door. When it’s the right time, all the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has purposed.

 Use what God has given you. Be good to others. Don’t put your gifts on hold because things haven’t turned out the way you thought. Your gifts are going to make room for you. Your gifts are going to cause doors to open.

 You can live out of a place of rest, knowing that the wrongs—the things you don’t understand that are not fair—they’re not stopping you; they’re leading you into the perfect plan God has laid out for you.


Wednesday, December 20, 2023


If you Break the Law you go to Jail. 


If you harm innocent people just because 

they have a different skin tone than you 

you go to Jail also. 

Then God will do the rest. 

If you harm innocent children in 

Public Schools, the Law 

and God Almighty got you.  



Whites were Slaves also. Everyone's Ancestors in Human History were Slaves.

Schools do not teach the whole truth. 

Every Ethnicity has been a slave throughout History.  

Imagine how United we would be if, if we had just 

been taught the truth from the beginning!!!! 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

TRUTH about the White Slave Trade ..

Imagine how united we would be IF, if we had JUST been
taught the TRUTH from the beginning!

If you trace Slavery back far enough, every civilization was at
one time or another subject to slavery.

As a Irish woman I can tell you the Irish we’re slaves look up
Oliver Cromwell look what actually happened to the Irish its fact
part of history well documented please research this you can look
up the reason why we fought for our freedom all nations had slaves.

Be Proud of who you are. 

Never live in the past. 

Live for Tomorrow. 

What happened 150 - 200 years ago, we weren't alive then. 

Our Ancestors were Slaves also. Irish. Yet we moved on. 

Everyone's Ancestors - have been slaves throughout 

Human History. 

Arabs been having white slaves as far back as the 1500's. 

Arabs would kidnap Irish, Scottish, English, German, ect., 

right off the coast at night by ships. 

Our Irish Ancestors were Slaves to the English for over 800 years. 

Then our Irish Ancestors were the First Slaves in America. 

Yet we moved on. 

Proud White Irish / Scottish Americans.  

Nothing we can do to change the past. Go Live ....... 

God Bless America and Our Forefathers. 

Who fought for all our Freedoms we Enjoy. 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

 Quit being discouraged because something didn’t work out the way you wanted. Don’t live frustrated because somebody left that you wanted to stay, a door closed that you wanted open. God knows what He’s doing. He has your best interest at heart.

Friday, December 15, 2023


The Truth !! 


 Watch the whole video so you understand how the media

 perpetuates false narratives, sets off riots and then never 

corrects the story. 

If you watch the 4 second clip they first released it looks like excessive
force but if you watch the whole video it’s clear this person has no
respect for authority or the law.

She has on the wrong tag from another car. Either Stolen tag or car.
"You need to run it again." she say's. Idiot. Bidens America.
Crime out of control. News Media never shows what exactly
happened from the beginning. Just like so many other Video's
from other clowns.

Grew up already and obey the Law. How hard is that??

Talk about being obnoxious and lying. Does she really
believe that being rude, obnoxious and resisting the
cop will result in anything other then arrest?

Sadly, yes, because the media has created an insane narrative that cops are killing Black people in the street for absolutely no reason and then they pull biased footage to further that narrative so you get a bunch of people who don’t want to respect authority and when you don’t respect authority, that’s what happens, you get manhandled. I’m pretty sure the cop would do that to anybody in that situation. What other choice they have there’s absolutely zero respect for authority, and if you have zero respect for authority, there’s no reason to have laws because those laws can never be enforced. Sad.

Officer had more patience then I would have. He did a perfect Job.

The World is backwards thanks to Obama and Biden. Morons..