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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Adrian Rogers once said, “When you are saved by Christ, this doesn’t mean you never sin again. But it does mean you are never comfortable with sin again.”

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Spread Love Not Hate. 

Everyone struggles in Life. 

We all have Bills to pay. 

Food prices keep going up. 

So does Gas.

Have compassion for others. 

Live and Let Live. 


Friday, February 24, 2023

Many people behind the scenes give their lives so others might live.

Florida mass shooting that left three dead yesterday was reportedly committed by 19-year-old Keith Melvin Moses. Watch today as Democrats ignore the story because the suspect doesn’t fit their narrative.


Keith Melvin Moses

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Is this “white supremacy?” Was this “systemic oppression?” I haven’t seen Ben Crump, Al Sharpton, or Shaun King express

outrage over this. No BLM marches. No rallies for justice. No gestures from CNN. When are certain communities going to be sick and tired of this?


The man only tells it like it is. 

May we fill our hearts and minds our souls with the goodness of the Lord our God ❤️ What we set and focus our eyes on and allow our ears to hear is what our thoughts become and that is who we become. May we therefore focus our eyes on the Lord our God 🤲✝️🤲
The Democrats get money from Norfolk Southern just like everyone in Congress. Why is "Joy Behar" talking out the side of her mouth for. RR Companies been owning Congress. Joy Behar is a vile disgusting human being spewing hate. Her and Whoopi are very close. Say no more.

Joy Behar should absolutely be FIRED for that comment! No ifs ands or buts! Zero excuse for that disgusting prejudice comment about what citizen’s get for voting a certain way or one’s party affiliation! Truly shows what she really is.


The Democrats get Money $$ from Norfolk Southern also. Every

RR Company pays off Congress. No matter if they are Dems or Rep.

For her to attack human beings, omg, Joy Behar is a Liar, Hypocrite,

"They got what they deserved?? " WTH .. We are talking about Human

Beings here.

Joy Behar is a vile disgusting human being spewing with hate.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Thank God for White Christian Males. 

If not for them, we would all be speaking 

Japanese and or German right now. 



Monday, February 20, 2023

More people will die needlessly because of the News Media, 

Antifa, Woke, BLM, Libs, etc.,  

Not nearly enough Officers to patrol neighborhoods at night 

when a lot of fires start. Heaters, bad wires, kerosene heaters, 


The Police Officers normally on patrol at 1 am through 5 am 

have been cut in half. Officers have saved 1000's of lives by 

simply being in the right place at the right time. Raising the 

alarm. Saving Lives. 

If only people would think it through before attacking a profession. 

Demonizing all Police Officers - has cost many innocent lives. 

Also, if you can do a better job. Put a badge on and show them. 

Gang on gang shootings, black on black shootings and murders 

much higher now than ever before. 

Great job morons. You only got more people killed and more will 

die. What did you achieve?? smdh 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

If your children go to public schools get them out. Not safe.

Most Dems and Libs don't care about your kids going to public schools. 

Their kids go to private school. 

Watch Social Media and see white kids been getting beat on 

and the great news media says nothing. 

Teach them at home. 


Choices Matter


Asian Mass Shooters. Three mass shootings. Nineteen lives wiped out. All in California. Now NYC. However..

Another Asian male kills innocent people. Where is the news at? 3 Asian Suspects killed 19 people, in CA.  -  Now Brooklyn. *Except he just ran them over. ( just as dead ) 

New York City charges are pending against U-Haul rampage suspect 
Weng Sor

Weng Sor ran people over in a U-Haul on the sidewalks of Brooklyn. 

( sorry so late but some of us have to work. ) 

CNN — 

Forty-four hours in America. Three mass shootings. Nineteen lives wiped out. All in California.

The victims in suburban Monterey Park included people between the ages of 57 and 76, ringing in the Lunar New Year Saturday night at a dance studio in the heart of the city’s Asian American community.

Then it happened again.

Before authorities had released all of their names, another seven people were gunned down on Monday afternoon in a rural seaside town in northern California. The victims were immigrant laborers who toiled the land on a mushroom farm where some also lived in mobile homes and trailers.

And then again, this time in Oakland.

Communities in big cities and small towns across the US are being upended nearly every day as mass shootings in workplaces, schools and houses of worship become commonplace.

Gov. Gavin Newsom had been at a hospital with victims of the Monterey Park massacre on Monday when he was pulled away for a briefing on the rampage in Half Moon Bay.

 If these men were White, omg, we'd never hear the end of it. 

However, they're Asian, we will pass it off like we pass off / over 

the number of African Americans killing one another. Nor do 

we talk about the little children killed by these shootings.

Anybody that use to be a drug dealer will tell you, " I got off 

them streets before I got killed. Buried many of my friends."

Gang on gang. Drug dealers against drug dealers. 

Covid hit. "Drive by shootings dropped like a rock." 

Then everything lifted: 

110 on average shoot per day.  

30 die. 

Where the heck is the News Media? 

Where are the protest? 

Where is Woke at? 

Where is Al Sharpton? 

We will never Fix the Problems if we do not Address them. 

  • Each day on average, 30 Black Americans are killed by guns and more than 110 experience non-fatal injuries.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

When are we going to talk about White Victims of Racist Attacks?? When .... ??

Sick and tired of seeing white children in School getting hit. 


White women and men being attacked on the streets.  

WHERE is the NEWS AT!!!! 

Where are these Hypocrites who cry about Racism??  

However, don't say a word when blacks attack whites!! 


God will deal with Hypocrites. 

No News if the Victim's are White.  

God won't play with Hypocrites. 

Some, not all, African Americans lie like the devil. Cry Racism. 

Then go out and attack Whites who have done nothing to 



God will lay you low.  

Racism goes both ways. 

Some are Hypocrites, cry about Racism?? Then attack another

A black gunman kills people on a college campus. Democrats demand gun control. A black gunman kills other inner city blacks. Democrats silent.



Monday, February 13, 2023

Can't stand a Bully. 14 year old Bullied, takes her own Life.

A 14-year-old New Jersey high school student took her own life after a video was posted online of a group of girls attacking her — a suicide her father believes was fueled by longtime bullying.

Adriana Kuch, who attended Central Regional High School in Berkeley Township, was found dead at home two days after the sickening Feb. 1 assault, police said.

An alarming video showed several students attacking the teen, hitting her with a water bottle, as she walked with her boyfriend in a school hallway, Patch reported.

* Where were her friends at? Our children go to school to learn - not to get beat on. Look at the Bus attack. Look at the Thugs in school beating on White children. 

Great job Mainstream Media. You get our kids attacked in Schools. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

I'm black and I'm sick and tired of tweets like this. And yes, I'll ride with him for life because he's a very sensible person. It's about a person's character not color. No one race is better than the other we all bleed red that's how The Lord Almighty created us.


I ride for this man's ideas, if you could stop looking at race you would see it too...the system has sold you "systemic" racism. Stop letting the elites and mainstream media control you. We the People have the power...IF and only if we stick together. #onelove


Response's to @ZeekArkham

It's about a person's character not color. No one race is better than the other we all bleed red that's how The Lord Almighty created us.


Circumstances don’t create victims. choices do. You either choose to champion your circumstance or succumb to your circumstance.

Choices Matter.

I Love God and I Know for SURE that HE Loves Me! I am because God was and, on my journey, to become because He Is! I'm Committed to Love, Follow and Obey Him!


All of us are going to have some seasons of suffering, seasons of struggle, seasons when it’s not fair. You have to remember: God is still on the throne. The enemy didn’t take control of your life. God is yet going to fill your mouth with laughter.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Please Pray for Turkey.

Throughout Human History Every Ethnicity has been a Slave. 

Scottish & Irish Slaves for over 800 years. 

We just don't dwell on it. 

We weren't alive way back then anyway. 

Nor was anyone else a slave way back when. 

Do like we did, move on. 

Go work hard, have fun, live, love, get married. 

Have kids and then Grand kids. 

It's Amazing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Do they look Privileged to you??


White Privilege??

Do they look Privileged to you?? 

Dirt poor. 

Many Americans have been Dirt Poor. 

For Centuries. 

My father was an abusive, racist, Black Israelite who hated cops and

couldn’t hold a job. I’m a decorated cop preaching unity whose family feels safe with him. Your family’s curses and afflictions don’t have to continue through you. We can all be better.


If you are White in America more than likely your 

Ancestors were Slaves. Irish and Scottish were Slaves 

for over 800 years. 

The first Slaves in America were Irish or Scottish. 

Our point, every Ethnicity has been a Slave throughout 

Human History. Move on as we have. 

Every Ethnicity has been a Slave. Period. 

Whites were Slaves also. 

Move on.