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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Do your part; control what you can control. Rule your atmosphere, your thoughts, your attitude, your response. Then, God will do His part. He’ll make things happen that you couldn’t make happen.


Friday, July 29, 2022

10 Incredible Acts of Kindness Caught On Camera

Videos That Will Make You Smile - Restoring Faith in Humanity #34

Random Acts of Kindness | Faith in Humanity Restored

Chicago - 2000 have been shot. 366 dead. 34 of them children. So far this year.

The Windy City has struggled to quell the crime wave as homicide rates and gang-related violence reaches staggering highs. Mike Tobin sat down with two gang members who agreed to be interviewed under the condition that Fox News not disclose their names or gang affiliations. 

To them, guns and violence are a means to survive, they said. They attributed their lifestyles to a lack of opportunity, adding that a major factor driving gun violence in Chicago is that the gang structure themselves have fallen apart.


"There's no one who people look up to," one member, whose face was blocked for anonymity purposes, told Fox News. "Everyone takes orders from themselves. If you want to go kill that man, you're going to go kill that man."

With many of their original leaders behind bars, Chicago gangs have evolved into unstructured groups of friends with loaded guns ready to shoot over the pettiest of offenses, they explained.

An innocent person could get shot for something as small as "stepping on somebody's shoes in Chicago." the gang member told Tobin. 

"People get shot over dumb reasons," a second gang member said. "People get shot over someone sneaking with another person's girl."

The first gang member said he is in possession of both legal and illegal guns. Asked which one was easier to get, he answered without skipping a beat, "the illegal one."

Men on the street have no aspirations or hopes for their future, they said. They live day to day and accept the fate that comes with their lifestyle. 


"What happens to guys in the gang when they grow old?" Tobin asked.

Where is BLM????  Where is WOKE????  Where is Kamala Harris????


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Amazing Cops Rescues | Real life heroes | PART 5

It's great in these times to see videos showing cops in a good light. I always wanted to be a police officer but I found my calling as a soldier. So thanks to all of you who keep my family safe while i'm away.


Top 10 Amazing Cops Rescues | Real life heroes

Top Police Bodycam & Dashcam Moments (Crashes & Pursuits)

Citizens Helping Police | Amazing People Compilation #2

Amazing Cops Rescues | Real life heroes | PART 3

Amazing Cops Rescues | Real life heroes | PART 2


A member of the church, who previously had been attending services regularly,
stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening.
The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing
the reason for his pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited.
The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some
minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning
ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone then he sat back in his
chair, still silent.
The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead.
Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.
As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, 'Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the firey sermon.
I will be back in church next Sunday.'

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Brittanee Drexel Case....... You decide for yourself.......


*We finally got an answer to a very Serious Question 
  concerning this case. In SC in 2012, we were told on 
  our TV sets that Raymond Moody was in Jail at the 
  time of Brittanee Drexel kidnapping. The FBI 
  and Police in 2012 had been interviewing him for 
  2 weeks. After 12 days, it was on our TV Sets -
  every night. They said Raymond Moody was in Jail 
  at the time she disappeared. 
   Just this past weekend we were told that was a 
  mistake. The News indeed said Moody was in jail at 
  that time after nearly 2 weeks of talking to him. 
  ( we remember saying," it took them 2 weeks to check 
  this?" ) 
   However, the News Media got it wrong or did they??
  Many people were like us, didn't believe the shocking 
  news. We were told differently for over 13 years. 
  News media, FBI, Police, and eyewitnesses said 
  something completely different.  (  ????  ) 
  Many things don't add up. 

  Why burn down a Stash house if you are so innocent?? 

   When local Detective's went to arrest the 4 alleged 
   kidnappers of Brittanee Drexel in 2010 the 
   FBI stopped them?? 
   Even threatened Detectives with arrest.   WTH.
   All 3 original Detectives were Removed off the case. 
   Two (2) Eyewitnesses stated, "The Following went to 
   MB that night. 2 hours later they returned to 
   South Santee with Brittanee Drexel in the back seat."
   Stopped more Detectives from Interviewing them in 2011 also. 
   Hiding something. 

The Untouchables.

8 Detectives Threatened with Arrest 

if they even interviewed these 4 men?? 

The original 3 Detectives removed off the case that 

found out this information. 

2 Eyewitnesses saw 4 men leave for MB. 

They returned 2 hours later with Brittanee Drexel. 

FBI buried it all.  

    Both eyewitnesses also passed Polygraph Test. Something 
   Da'Shaun Taylor failed every time. Da'Shaun Taylor after 
   failing another polygraph test, "told of 2 brothers having 
   Brittanee Drexel Cell Phone." No way then Moody 
   could of had her early on. 
   ( see attached news articles below: )

   Why burn down a Stash house if you are innocent?? 
   Shaun Taylor burned it to the ground. Not so innocent 

   When the Task Force took over the case in 2011. They to 
   saw Probable cause ( PC ) to arrest the 4 men for 
   Kidnapping Brittanee Drexel also. However, the FBI again 
   stopped all arrest?? It only takes 1 or 2 bad agents to 
   mess up a Human Trafficking case. 
   Several seasoned Detectives stopped from making arrest. 
   (  ????  )

3 Males following Brittanee Drexel.
Watch the '5 pm' Video on the Link. 
As the reported says, "Very few have seen this Video."
Why not let the Detectives do there Jobs?? 
At the very least interview them. Get their story
and see if they were indeed involved or not. 

The Video is towards the bottom of the Link:

4 videos total. Watch all 4. The "5 pm" one shows the suspects following 

Brittanee Drexel.

..Many people still have questions.

.. More Involved

..Human Trafficking ring.

*For 10 years, these pictures taken off a CCTV Camera, were considered vital evidence in the case. However, after 10 years had passed, they were forgotten about?? Drexel case heats up as persons of interest identified
Published Friday, April 09, 2010 - 7:25 PM

Investigators from three counties who have been working to find a missing New York teenager say they now have persons of interest in the case.

Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Neil Johnson said based on information that has been collected investigators feel Brittanee Drexel who was 17 years old when she disappeared from Myrtle Beach last year is no longer alive.

Johnson said investigators have “three and possibly four” persons of interest in the case. He said no other details about the persons of interest is being released at this time.

Johnson said there is no reason to believe the persons of interest knew Drexel directly.

He said lie detector tests have been administered to two of them.

Investigators from Horry and Charleston Counties are also involved in the case because Drexel’s last known whereabouts was at a Myrtle Beach hotel.

Signals from her cell phone were detected in the North Santee area along the Georgetown County - Charleston County border on April 26 of last year, one night after she went missing from Myrtle Beach. Several searches have been conducted in the North Santee area as well as in northern Charleston County for any evidence that may lead to Drexel.

Johnson said the case got hot in December when Georgetown County Investigator Chris Bailey received information about Drexel’s disappearance.

It was in December that searchers found a pair of sunglasses near the river in North Santee.

“Everything we know is leading to this area,” Johnson said. “At this point, based on everything we know, we feel she is not alive.”

Johnson said the evidence continues to point to southern Georgetown County as the place something may have happened to Drexel. He said that is based on the amount of text messages she sent in the days before her disappearance.

“She was constantly on the phone texting. Then it all stopped when she went missing,”he said. “It was like someone took the phone.”
He said a private investigation service from Maine has been hired to help in the case because they have a lot of resources such as cadaver dogs to assist local authorities.

When asked if having persons of interest will lead to charges in the case, Johnson said that is not currently known.

“We could make an arrest next week or next year, we just do not know” he said.

By Scott Harper

Charleston Co., Georgetown Co. and Myrtle Beach PD 
Detectives' had the Information and Leads needed to 
make Arrest in 2010.   
They all were pulled ..  WTH ..    

Cover Up ..  

3 Veteran Detectives threatened with Arrest if they did their jobs. 

In 2011, the new Task Force, tried also to Arrest the 4 Kidnappers.
They too were stopped and threatened with arrest by the FBI.
( Only takes 1 or 2 bad agents to ruin a case. ) 

This Case was solved 12 years ago. 

See Links below: 

1. Da'shaun Taylor had his own suspicious of others. 

Da'Shaun Taylor told on 2 brothers who had Brittanee Drexel Cell Phone in McClellanville, SC. After he just failed his second Polygraph Exam. He was trying to compose himself and got pissed off and told on 2 others involved in Brittanee Drexel disappearance. Da'shaun Taylor had his own suspicious of others. 

*How is her Cell Phone in McClellanville??    ..Others involved. 

2. Shawn Taylor set a house on Fire to cover up the horrors within. Ask the FBI for the Facebook Video of him talking about the Fire which he deleted 30 minutes later. However, not before Rochester, NY made a copy of said Arson. And the Destruction of Evidence of many Victims: Kidnapped, Rapes, Tortures and Murders. Shaun Taylor was getting rid of DNA. Tampering with a crime scene is a crime. So is Arson. 

Many Victims were kidnapped, raped, sold, in this Stash House. A friend said it best. "This is much bigger than just Brittanee Drexel."   He nailed it. Several other victims. 

An abandoned home that belonged to the family of a suspect in Brittanee Drexel’s disappearance burned down on Saturday evening.
FBI officials did not immediately respond to see if the property is one of the “stash houses” that was searched for clues to her disappearance.
The blaze was reported around 10 p.m. Saturday at 1819 Old Collins Creek Road in McClellanville, South Carolina, said Chief Mike Bowers with the Awendaw-McClellanville Consolidated Fire District.
The road is south of where federal and local investigators searched for clues in Drexel’s case in 2016.

Fire crews arrived to find the building engulfed in flames. Bowers said the house had no power and built 80 years ago.

Crews on scene 1819 Old Collins Creek Road for a structure fire. This is an abandoned, unoccupied building. All hands workinf

*Why burn down a house if your innocent??  

Every Witness was African American. Not one 

witness said anything about a white dude being 


They all said African American suspects. 

Moody did not kidnap Brittanee. However, he 

in the end was the fall guy. Poor Brittanee was 

sold many times the FBI Testified. 

You decide.... 

*News article: Persons of Interest Brittanee Drexel Case

*April 2010   ( about to make arrest 12 years ago .. ) 

They say things were going great. Chris Bailey describes the momentum and chemistry they had from the very beginning.

"You took strangers," said Bailey, "I had never met Rocky before, never met Vincent before, and never met Steve or anybody else from Merrill's before the case, and in a short time, they were able to build a bond and trust."

With the help of Merrill's Investigations, Chris and Rocky say all the agencies were working side-by-side, gaining ground. 

Detectives Chris Bailey, Rocky Burke and Vincent Dorio. Had the 4 kidnappers names. 

They lived and breathed this case, working and developing new leads and getting very close to making some arrests. 

In the summer of 2010, however, they say that all changed.

In June, Bailey was taken off the case completely for the Georgetown County Sheriff's Office. Just a few months later, the same thing happened to Burke at the Charleston County Sheriff's Office.

"Some new task forces were formed and my role was diminished," said Burke.

Many girls still missing.  

-Da'shaun Taylor told of 2 brothers arguing over her   cell phone in McClellanville.  

-Detectives Stopped from arresting the alleged 'real'   Kidnappers in 2010 @ 2011. 

-Burned down a Stash House. Doesn't sound innocent to anyone. 

Shaun Taylor set fire to a drug house to protect himself and others.
They kidnapped many of young girls and brought them here.
McClellanville, SC. The FBI had only street names of others involved.
Foot, Homie, Rooster, Skills, QB, Cruz, 40, etc. Trafficking Ring.
After a year went by, Shaun Taylor found out the FBI had all 7
real names, he immediately burned it to the ground. He knew 2 or
3 might roll. Listen to what he says. He hangs his own self by his words
alone. ( 1:30 - 2:30 he's arguing with a lady about the other drug house,
trespassing signs, Shaun is nervous and upset with her, he and the lady
exchange heated words. then at the end from 4:40 till the end, shaun
says." Damn I should have parked the Lexus over there, his son says
move it now, Shaun replies, " that fire to hot for that now." )


Shaun knew some would snitch. Roll to save themselves.

**Many people do not buy the Raymond Moody story the Feds told.

Number # 1: in 2012 they told us Moody was in Jail and couldn't
have taken her.
# 2: Da'shaun Taylor told the FBI of 2 men in McClellanville arguing
over Brittanee Drexel Cellphone.
# 3: Countless other Witnesses gave statements bout the Taylors and
others Kidnapped girls.
# 4: Detectives had 4 names of who took Drexel. 2 Eyewitnesses gave
signed Statements and passed all polygraph test. Just like Brown did.
# 5: Sold her in Georgetown, North Charleston and McClellanville.
The FBI testified to the above.
# 6: Burning the Stash house to the ground with his face & voice on Video. - which he later deleted..
# 7: Shaun Taylor by his own hand, "Corroborated" everything
several other witnesses had told Detectives and the FBI.

Why would Shaun burn a house to the ground if he was so innocent??
Then - delete the video after 30 minutes??!! Guilty .......

My favorite part of the Trump presidency was when he didn’t send us spiraling down into a recession.


Spot on

Videos That Will Make You Smile - Restoring Faith in Humanity

Random Acts Of Kindness That Deserve Recognition

Random Acts of Kindness | Faith in Humanity Restored

It's so odd that no Democrats nor News Media will talk about Mass Shootings in Chicago, LA, Baltimore, Philly, D.C., Houstion, ect., every week.

At least 65 shot, 5 fatally in weekend violence across Chicago. No crying from politicians. No outrage. No marches from

“black leaders.” No Presidential statements. This can’t advance their agenda, so it’s business as usual. Vote differently.


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Missing 2-year-old Girl Rescued in Woods by GA Police

Good Samaritan helps FHP trooper save choking baby

Utah: Body cam footage of baby rescued from river

Granbury PD Officer Saves Child's Life

Rapid City Police - Aug. 27 Cardiac Arrest

Kennebunk police officers save 84-year-old's life

Florida deputy saves baby's life

We may not be the same color, but you’re definitely my friend.

Adoptee Story: " I Didn't Know I Was Black Until You Told Me"

You may not be my color, but you’re definitely my kind… I love this.

Random Acts of Kindness - Faith In Humanity Restored

Most Beautiful Moments That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity - Acts o...

Military Dad Surprises Blended Family of 9 kids at school | EMOTIONAL Mi...

4 teenagers saved her life || STEVE HARVEY

Housekeeper is GIVEN the house she is sent to clean

On the Road: Teen repays father's debt

Man dies years after young girl's friendship saved him


Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry 🥺 | Faith In Humanity Res...

Faith In Humanity Restored | Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You ...

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry 🥲 | Faith In Humanity Res...

Throughout History every Ethnicity has been a Slave.
White men, women & children were slaves too.
Our Irish and Scottish Ancestors were Slaves to the
English for over 800 years.
However, you hear nothing about it.
Let's move on. No one alive today was a slave nor owner.

Love over Hate.
