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Saturday, July 31, 2021

 With all the Rain in Utah, CO. etc., hopefully

they can capture most of it for relief from the 

Drought.  Reservoirs. Need to build more 

Reservoirs out West; Utah, CA. CO. NV. OR.

WA. MT. AZ. NM. ECT,.   

Build more Reservoirs just for this reason, Monsoon, and for the future Droughts.  


Friday, July 30, 2021

Some girls are just way to young for Instagram : Parents .. 

16 @ up should be the standard period.  

( some girls show way to much skin on Instagram ..  smh  ) 

  1. Parents' Ultimate Guide to Instagram | Common Sense Media › blog › parents-ultimate

    Mar 10, 2021 · According to the terms of service, you have to be 13, but there's no age-verification process, so it's very easy for kids under 13 to sign up. Common Sense rates Instagram for age 15 and up because of mature content, access to strangers, marketing ploys, and data collection. Check out our social media rules for high schoolers. 

    •  Christine Elgersma  

  2. 13 is way to young. Congress or whoever needs to change this .. asap .. 

Stop Breaking The Law .. 

Stop Breaking the Law and no more problems. 

Easy enough ..  

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Make Crime Illegal Again .. 

Make Resisting Arrest Illegal Again .. 

Make Inciting a Riot Illegal Again .. 

Bring Back Common Sense .. 

Monday, July 26, 2021


Miles Commodore
The last accurate climate change prediction occurred when God told Noah a flood was coming.

Facts Matter


Miles Commodore
73 people hit by gunfire in Chicago over the weekend. I'm at the point where I can just copy and paste my post from last Monday.

( sad but yes )

Life giving Rain .. 

Love the Rain .. 

Makes for great naps too .. 

Thank You God 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

 Joel Osteen

It’s okay to have times where you feel discouraged and you don’t see how it can work out. It’s okay to start there, but don’t finish there. Don’t stay in the ashes; don’t stay defeated. God didn’t bring you this far to leave you.


Saturday, July 24, 2021

Friday, July 23, 2021

 If you have lost a family member(s), friends, cousins, 

co-workers, ect,. to House Fire's or Apartment Fire's 

in the past several years - here's why!! 

You can Thank - Radical Dems, Democrats, Antifa, 

BLM, Liberals, Media, ect., who have caused 

hundreds of thousands of good Police Officers to quit. 

 You see Police are the one's who catch these Fires 

in the middle of the night and save people lives. 

I have. However, thanks to morons there are not 

enough Police for Patrols so these Fires burn 

when everyone is asleep and they die. - However 

if Police Officers haven't quit because of all the 

Media Lies, Criminal Lies, BLM Lies, ( where is 

#BLM at with all these shootings?? where are they ) 

These people would still be alive. 

Think about it ..  

Now Shootings everywhere .. Great Job Media .. 

Where #BLM at  ?? Ain't seen them since they 

got paid $$ Millions by Hollywood.. 

Now ain't that somethin..  

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Instead of trying to disarm us all, how about these elected officials deal with "criminals" and directly go after those doing the shootings ?? Put them away in Prison where they belong.

Monday, July 19, 2021


Zeek Arkham
I’ve read six different incidents of shootings over the weekend from different areas. Instead of dealing with “gun violence” and trying to disarm us all, how about these elected officials deal with “people violence” and directly go after the criminals doing the shooting?

Spot on ..

God gives us cool rainy days like today to give us a 

break from the heat.  Praise God. 

Thank the Lord for another day ! 


Anti-lockdown protesters flooded central London - even though there is no longer a lockdown for them to oppose

They must take the same "Meds." as our Liberals, Radical Dems. BLM, Antifa, ect., Protesting over something that no longer exist or was 200 - 300 years ago.

Sound like they head done jumped timing .. like an ole car does. js

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Chicago shootings: 52 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, CPD says - ABC7 Chicago    

When will we talk about the "Real Issues"
in the Black Communities ?? Mass Shootings
in Chicago, DC, Philly, NYC, Baltimore, LA,
etc,.. How many more LIES before the "Real
Issues" are talked about ??
Not a word from the "Media." Nor BLM group
that got 90 Million $$$$ from Hollywood.
Where is #BLM at ???? Blacks killing Blacks
at Alarming Rates and not a word ?? WTH ..
Lord knows if the shooter was white or a Police
Officer was involved, saving his or her own life,
BLM and the Media would show up.
( look at the headlines everyday. silence from
the Left, Dems, BLM, Media,.. Fake news..
Hypocrites )



 Joel Osteen

God said in Psalms, “Touch not My anointed.” You are His anointed. When people come against you, they’re not just messing with you; they’re messing with the God who put His blessing on you. What God has blessed no person can curse.