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Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday, December 23, 2019

Praying everyone has a Blessed Christmas !

Awesome Man and a Great Movie. "Radio" True Story

Awesome man and a great Movie to. "Radio" true story of a white family
taking in a mentally ill man and showing him love. The local football
coach lets Radio coach young men at a high school. Changed
the mans life. Great true story to watch on a rainy day like today.
Love is more powerful than anything. See "Radio" the movie. It will
move you.

South Carolina is a special place to many. 


Friday, December 20, 2019

Shannon McConaughey, Crystal Soles and many more. What Happens in the Dark Shall come to Light.

Justice. Exhume her body and get the DNA needed to Convict Randell Taylor, Jacob Taylor, James Weston, Eli Johnson and Harry Rivers for Kidnapping, Raping and Murder this poor child.

Justice for Shannon McConaughey

Why burn down a home if you're innocent??

Bad things happened in this house ..

Even the Hood noticed this fire and shook their head. One friend said, "This is bigger than just Brittanee Drexel We Love You." I think this man hit on something. Lots of missing girls. Shaun Taylor gets worried one night and burns down this home. Bad things happened here. Shaun is protecting himself, his son and many others ..  

Manigaults, Jenkins and Singletons all involved with the Taylor Crew ... 

Shaun Taylor is guilty. He burns down a house. Then he records this fire he 
started. Then deletes the recording. Except people are watching him 24 / 7. 
The recording of Shaun next to this burning house is sent to Sled and the FBI

In the recording Shaun is talking to a young kid. The child says to Shaun, " We 
should have parked the Lexus over there by the fire." Shaun Says, "That fire to 
hot now." Shaun is teaching that kid about insurance fraud. 
Also present is older black woman. About Shaun's age. She say's," Why 
they got tape around that other home." Shaun gets nervous and says," That's 
you talking about that other house, not me. I don't want to talk about it. " 
Blunt and short with the lady. Shaun knows everything .. 

Shaun Taylor set that fire. Then got nervous and deleted the recording. 
He is so sure of himself to a point. Thinking they've gotten away with more 
kidnappings, Rapes and Murders. Just like his brother Randell Taylor got 
away with Kidnapping, Raping and Murdering Shannon McConaughey. 
Eli and Harry confessed to Police what happened to that poor child back 
in 1998. 

When you start burning down homes to hide so many crimes even the Hood 
takes notice. If he innocent why burn down a home ? "This is bigger than just 
Brittanee Drexel." When someone wrote that to me I was like that is so true. 
These animals been doing this for years. Since at least 1998 if not sooner. 
Whole lot of girls missing we don't even know about. Runaways and missing. 
These clowns know with all the waterways around, Ocean, swamps, Rivers 
that a human body will not last 6 hours. 

Look at the Heather Elvis case. Suspects knew this to. Body won't last long 
out in the open. Let alone put in a gator pit. Heck just lay one beside a 
waterway and it will be gone in hours. Wild Bores, Gators, Sharks, crabs, 
ect. you name it. We got it all. 

Praying the FBI and the Department of Justice put a stop to The Taylors 
and Associates. 

Justice. Exhume her body and get the DNA needed to Convict Randell Taylor, Jacob Taylor, James Weston, Eli Johnson and Harry Rivers for Kidnapping, Raping and Murder this poor child.
Shannon McConaughey and others still have not gotten Justice!!

2 Confessed and have a body. Come on man.

Exhume her body for the DNA needed for Justice.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Taylor Crime Family and Crew. Been Kidnapping, Raping and Murdering for 21 years. Manigaults, Jenkins and Singletons.

The Taylors, Manigaults, Jenkins and Singletons are not even human.
To rape some ones child for days. Sell her for sex. It's unbelievable. They have done this before. Since 1998 if not sooner. Where is our Government ?? Why isn't the Department of Justice on these cases ?? They are Hate Crimes. Pure and simple. They only kill white girls. 3 we are sure of and their are more missing.