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Sunday, April 29, 2018

// Jacob Taylor // Taylor Family Again // Typical Criminal Blames His Problems On Others // Him and 4 Others Raped and Murdered Shannon McConaughey // However, He is Complaining // WTH //

Jacob Taylor crying over some hate mail .. (  Then stop raping and killing  .. )
Also Crying about the News Media and Drexel family accusing them 
of being animals ..  (  I Think the News Media Finally Got It Right  ) 

" Well if you Lie Down with Dogs you Wake up with Fleas ..  " 

Heard a Judge tell a criminal once
I get two maybe three a week!!!! SMH!! SAD!!!! I usually delete and go on with my day! But its been an increase in hate mail and fake friend request of lately! I must be doing something right, to get a message from someone at 3:39 am! I never met or even had one single conversation with who lives in another State! FOH ignorant bastard! What you eat won't make me shit up homie!
This what my family deals with cause the media and Drexel family falsely accused us and labeled us as animal!

Falsely accused my butt !  2 of your own friends Confessed and said you was 

there when Shannon McConaughey was Kidnapped, Raped and Murdered ... 

All five of  y'all planned on Raping her. 

You're own Co - Defendants Said this   ...   Liar   !!  

 Randall Keith Taylor  ( Shaun Taylors Older Brother ) 

 Jacob Taylor  ( Above and Below Comments )  

 James Isaac Weston Jr. 

 Harry James Rivers  ( CONFESSED ) ( In Prison for another Rape )   

 Elijah J. Johnson      ( CONFESSED ) 

I don't care about being on the top like most ppl. It a lonely road, any move could be your last. I like being ground at the bottom. A placed where you could be invisible and move in silence

                                                     Jacob Taylor 

                                                  above and below 

Loves his daughter. I'm sure Shannon McConaughey Family loved her too 

However, you animals took her and Brittannee Drexel away ... 

Perhaps Crystal Gail Soles too

God Have Mercy on your Soul 

// Enjoy Life // Forgive // Move On //

// Say No To Islam // No to Sharia Law // Read Below Post .. // Not In America .. // ( you want to kill us infidels ) // Heck No //

   // No to Sharia Law // Not In America .. // 

 Allah is a Moon God. He is Not Our God !! Our God doesn't Tell Us To Kill Infidels ... 

Take that Islamic Hate Back to Saudi Arabia and The Middle East ...

Leave America Alone .. Go Home .. We are a Free Country .. Not Bound By

Crazy Religious Beliefs ...

"Thou Shall Not Kill," Our Bible Says !

No Place In My Bible Does it Say Kill People.  However Your Koran Does !

  1. We are a loving people. We always talk about love but we never want to talk about fighting in the way of Allah to protect! ~

  1. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad told us No. We are not citizens of this great country, they have not accepted us as citizens! ~