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Monday, December 31, 2018

Have a Happy New Year and Stay Safe

Killers come in all Shapes, Sizes and Colors ! Moorer's, Taylor's, Roof, Kohlhepp .. ect.

                                      Todd Kohlhepp    Killed 7 People 

                                             Shaun and Randall Taylor. ( Bottom )  
                                             Killed at least 2 young white females.  
                                                      Perhaps More ... 

                                             Dylann Roof  Killed Several at a Church 

                                 Sidney and Tammy Moorer ..  Killed  Heather Elvis 

                           Da'Shaun Taylor .. Kidnapped, Raped and Killed Brittanee Drexel  
                                   Along with 10 or more other Co-Defendants  

                                  Randall Taylor ( left ) Errol Ounce second from left 

                                    Randall Taylor Murdered Shannon McConaughey

                                      Errol Ounce "aka 40" Tortured and Raped 

                                                 Brittanee M. Drexel  ... 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

OBama Said, “Do not come to our borders illegally. Do not bring children to our borders. It’s dangerous...and they might not make it.”

As once said: “Do not come to our borders illegally. Do not bring children to our borders. It’s dangerous...and they might not make it.” The blame for dead children @ borders is 100% the fault of & the parents who put their child thru a death march!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

If you are hired to do a job and you fail to do your job then you will get fired. If you don’t follow the rules then you will be terminated. That’s Policy not Slavery. I’m so tired of people in the NFL and NBA claiming they are being treated like slaves.

  1. Acosta says that US troops should be disciplined for having their Trump gear signed. I say that our troops sacrifice everything to service their country, even for pricks like Acosta, & they can do whatever they damn well please with their Trump gear.
  2.  Liz ✌🏼🇺🇸 liked
    If you are hired to do a job and you fail to do your job then you will get fired. If you don’t follow the rules then you will be terminated. That’s Policy not Slavery. I’m so tired of people in the NFL and NBA claiming they are being treated like slaves.
  3. We have problems with not giving credit for anything! Like a Top-Secret Visit to an Iraq Combat Zone to see The Troops as Commander-in-Chief with his lovely wife 🇺🇸! Share below how our can get off ’s back!
