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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

// Attorney: 'Brittanee Drexel suspect has alibis, won't be charged' ? // We'll see, Time will tell // FBI doesn't play // Justice for Brittanee //


An attorney for the only suspect in the Brittanee Drexel case says his client has two solid alibis for his whereabouts at the time of her disappearance and alleged…

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The FBI will get them ...

 Is this the same attorny that was charged aftr drugs found on him. If yes should he still be practicing Law?
UnlikeReply1018 hrs
 He looks like a winner for an attorney lol. I followed this case when he was arrested

 But there are witnesses who saw him commit the crime, smh..
UnlikeReply718 hrs
 Very saddening
UnlikeReply218 hrs
 really in school on a saturday?and it happened at night
LikeReply418 hrs
 once again the taylor family walks away with rape and murder my prayers go out to brittnee drexels family and god bless all of her supporters.

 I agree. I don't buy this. Just a scumbag lawyer keeping another pos out of jail. Like you said, what allegedly happened to britt happened at night, NOT during a school day. This pos, along with his pos family, and all of their illegal doing (drugs, trafficking, guns, murder), probably have money and pay people off to vouch for him. How is it human scum like this (and his father and uncle) can kidnap young, white girls, beat and gang rape them, kill and dispose of them, and continue to walk bc of some bs excuse that there isn't enough evidence, yet I've been in more trouble over traffic tickets?? I highly doubt britt was killed during the day. Regardless if its in the woods, I doubt gang banging pos would chase, beat, drag, kill, wrap up and dispose of a young girl during the day. I think this lawyer thinks people with even a sliver of common sense, just walked off a boat. They belong in jail!
 So mind blowing.
LikeReply18 hrs

 This is just incredibly awful.
LikeReply18 hrs
 To damn concerned about money and tourisim. Half the crimes the public is not aware about because it will effect tourisim.
UnlikeReply618 hrs
 THis is so true. I am from Canada, we went to MB 12 years with 3 kids. I had no idea this was going on.
LikeReply118 hrs
 I owned a condo in the area and sold it because the crime was just awful. This poor family must be suffering so much pain. I could never imagine going thru this. My prayers are with them.
LikeReply218 hrs

 I'm sure they can find a hole in the alibi somewhere!!
UnlikeReply117 hrs
 Bull shit
UnlikeReply216 hrs
 Isn't this just his attorney saying that?
LikeReply515 hrs
 Alibis are probably lieing
UnlikeReply215 hrs
 All we can all do is trust the detectives and the teams working so hard on this. They want what we want. Justice. And it will come it just may take time
LikeReply515 hrs
LikeReply14 hrs
 Disheartening....This case and other issues are one of the many reasons we relocated from the area. Heartbreaking situation.
LikeReply14 hrs
 So he was at school on the night britt went missing n all the nights after. I heard him say his family n friends can alibi him that's weak imo. Let's hope this is just his attorney talking while high on the drugs his client supplied him!
LikeReply114 hrs
 Its just that, just an attorney talking.
LikeReply112 hrs
LikeReply9 mins
 The FBI will get him
LikeReply8 mins
 Probably bought off or threatened.
LikeReply112 hrs
 He looks like trouble maybe a gang member..
LikeReply12 hrs
 Guys, this is just his attorney talking. The FBI is not going to drop the ball. They wont charge until they have solid evidence. Theyre doing it the right way. Look at Casey Anthony, she walked because they started the trial without a body, cause of death, ect. Theres hope yet.
LikeReply512 hrs
 Lawyers are not there to defend the guilty the main reason for lawyers is for the innocent to be defended, now its the other way around, assholes like him play the victim and the courts are BUYING THEIR BULLSHIT!
LikeReply712 hrs
 I don't know how they sleep at night. Is making money really worth helping scumbags walk free. I wonder how these lawyers would feel if somebody they defended later went on to the same thing to somebody they loved! 
LikeReply10 hrs
 I don't know how LAWYERS sleep @ night defending these low-life POS's of society and make 100,00's of $$$$ doing so, when there should be no trial, just take em out and hang em or sit em in the electric chair.
UnlikeReply310 hrs
 Agreed my friend 
UnlikeReply110 hrs
 They say they are just doing there job well they must be wired wrong when they can drag a rape victim thru the mud on the stand & look into the eyes of a mother who's child's killer you've just got to walk out of court a free man! I sure has hell couldn't do it for no amount of money! 
LikeReply110 hrsEdited

 Lawyers are hired to defend the innocent not the guilty, if society knows they're guilty then theres no need for a trial. Solution: execute em. 
Now the justice system sees killers as victims when they're not, they use every excuse to save their asses and not take responsibility for their actions and the justice system has BOUGHT that bullshit for far too long.
UnlikeReply410 hrs