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Thursday, December 29, 2016

// Mill Houses // South Carolina // Privileged ?? // People These day's Have No idea How Hard My Parents and Gran Parents Worked //

// White Privilege in the South // South Carolina // Heart of America // Hard Working Southern Folks //

This rare glimpse into the life of cotton mill workers in the first two decades of the 1900s provides some insight into the Lifestyle and Hardships endured in this era. South Carolina was built on the backs of these laborers, who literally put the clothing on the backs of their fellow South Carolinians and others around the country !
For another look into South Carolina’s past, take a look at these 21 Rare Photos Taken In South Carolina During The Great Depression.

// White Privilege // Hard Working Americans From the Beginning //

// South Carolina White Privilege // Hard Working Americans // Since The Beginning // We Grew Up In a Mill House // Both Parents Worked at a Mill //

This rare glimpse into the life of cotton mill workers in the first two decades of the 1900s provides some insight into the lifestyle and hardships endured in this era. South Carolina was built on the backs of these laborers, who literally put the clothing on the backs of their fellow South Carolinians and others around the country. AMEN ....... 
For another look into South Carolina’s past, take a look at these 21 Rare Photos Taken In South Carolina During The Great Depression.

// Thin Blue Line // Blue Lives Matter // 135 Police Officers Killed This Year Alone 2016 // 5 Year High // OBama Legacy //

  1. MT : A family born not from a blood line but bonded in life.