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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

USS West Virginia

Qantas’ UNFORGIVABLE Fall From Grace!

ABC's David Muir Loses ONE MILLION Viewers After Debate Performance!


Boycott all ABC news channels

Proud Black Woman Christian widow Conservative Voting 3rd time
for President Trump2024-2028 Saving our country again

He's bought and paid, Muir is a drama queen if I've ever seen one,
can't stand looking at or hearing him. He should be fired for that
terrible debate, what a douche bag he is.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

P. Ditty Rapped about Raping women. Great guy....

P. Diddy was arrested yesterday following a human trafficking investigation.

Let’s remind everyone what his former bodyguard said: Gene Deal stated that Diddy probably has tapes of POLITICIANS, princes, and even preachers engaging in his “parties”. They’re trying hard to bury this story right now.

P. Diddy tracked his victims movements after he raped them and others making sure the female victims didn't go to the Police. Sick - O .... Kidnappings, Human trafficking, controlling the Victims, tracking victims to make sure they didn't report the gang rapes to Police.

 It’s mind boggling to me the race is cIose.

These past 4 years have been nightmarish.
How can anyone say yeah, I want more of that!

The Biden’s got rich off of “plausible deniability” . If they can convince enough people the race is close , plausible deniability will be in play & the reason the election will be certified by congress . I personally believe President Trump is winning by a Landslide !

I don’t think it’s really close. The polls are just intended to demoralize.

Inflation, Illegals, Border, Crime, etc, yet the Media say nothing of these.

Seriously how could you look at the last 4 years and say that’s great, let’s keep going with that team.


Americans are not fooled by the Dems and Media lies.

 Springfield, OH just made every American aware their state is a border state.

If Kamala is allowed to serve as commander-in-chief, she would feel the need to “prove” how tough she is by pushing us into an unnecessary, costly war that does not serve the interests of the American people. My brothers and sisters in uniform volunteer to put our lives on the line for our country, not for some politician to look tough.