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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

This is why they don't let her speak 🤣

She's as bad as Joe. 

She is Hindu, India, Irish, Not Black.  

Why lie  ??  

Inflation has gone through the roof under Her and Joe. 

Get real people.

SWAT and Suspect Fire 400 Rounds In Intense Shoot Out!


Now we know 2 things: 1- Never shoot at police 2- Brad is good.

Respect to the first cop. Dude couldn’t catch his breath
to save his life, but stayed locked in.

 Some people have no idea what cops go trough. Not a clue.
Yet judge them. Idiots..... Put a badge on and see it live. It
will change your life and views.

Wounded Cops Hold Their Ground Against Brutal Ambush!



The scariest part of all this Presidential race to me is the
people of our Nation would vote for her, I dont understand?

There is no way leaders of the world will respect and fear this woman..

I can’t speak for anyone but myself. My black friends are embarrassed
of Kamala and quickly state she’s not African American.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

 We wonder who let these gangs of illegals into the US and who refuses to deport them ??

 “I was a Kamala Harris supporter. That changed after an illegal alien murdered my son — running him over, then driving back and forth over Drew’s body three times. 

The man who killed my son had been arrested previously, but Kamala Harris let him go.”

Kamala Harris was the head DA. She allowed Illegals and Criminals

to go free to kill again and again.

Border Czar my butt..

What she did and allow to happen was criminal.

Poor families.

 Love is the Greatest.