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Friday, July 26, 2024

Archives of Missing girls, Kidnapped Victims, Rape Victims, Human Trafficking


 Some may think they got away with Crimes.' 

Burning down homes. Playing games. Playing dumb. 

 In the South when we say someone(s) going to 

Church a lot more often than they did before. It's 

a big deal  - especially in the deep south.  

 We live in the Bible Belt. So when a friend or an 

informant tells you a certain someone or family and 

friends go to Church a lot more often than before, 

it's like the US Supreme Court making a land mark 


God got them ....... 

Hell will be Hot and full ....... 

Randall Taylor, aka Randell Taylor, Jacob Taylor, 

Harry Rivers, Elijah Johnson & James Weston "Tag" 

Took Shannon McConaughey from us in 1998. 

Apparently Shannon's life doesn't matter. ( ?? )

Charleston County Solicitors Office can't for 

unknown reasons "Exhume her body" and get the 

needed DNA to make Arrest and Convictions. 

Got Confessions and a body.   .. Nothing is happening. 

Shannon McConaughey, like Crystal Soles, didn't 

get to get Married and have a family.  ..It was taken 

from them in a very violent way. 

Kidnapped, Raped, Tortured, Sold, Raped again. 

If only Crystal Soles and Shannon were Black 

their Cases would have been solved years ago.  

With Convictions. 

( 35 years now for Shannon McConaughey.... )

The Police made arrest. However, Charleston County 

Solicitors Office dropped the ball 

again,   ..  White Victims of Racist attacks. 

(  just like in the Troy knapp case. 16 blacks on 1 

white person. )  

Melissa "Missi" Mclaughlin

( pictured below )

Kidnapped, Raped repeatedly, criminals yelled out, 

"We captured a white woman, come join in." 

They did just that off Stall Road. 

Police did their jobs, as they did in all these cases, 

and surprisingly - the Charleston County Solicitors Office 

didn't hose up this case also. 

Melissa "Missi" Mclaughlin 

Kidnapped, Raped X 10, Beaten, forced to clean 

herself - inside and out with Bleach. 

When we found her, she had been shot 5 times 

in the face, however she was still alive. 

Her jaw was hanging from her face. 

Mercy - she passed before EMS got to her. 

The FBI and the No Balls DOJ 

Charged No one with a Hate Crime again. 

( ?? )

In none of the above cases Not One Criminal 

was Charged with a Hate Crime.  !!??  

16 blacks on 1 white man not a Hate Crime  ??  WTH 

The DOJ should have jumped in and 

brought Hate Crime charges.  ..DOJ did nothing. 

Imagine 16 whites on 1 black person. 

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., satellite trucks lined up for miles .... 

Troy Knapp's. Doctors had to remove parts of 

his Brains, beaten by 16 blacks with there feet, 

fist, sticks and bricks. Troy died that day. 

However, he was in a Coma for months. 

Troy's body held on for 10 years. 

A vegetable. Bed ridden. Wore a Diaper. 

When he passed, the mighty FBI nor DOJ 

brought NO Hate Crime Charges against his killers. 


Where was the NAACP. BLM, Woke on these Hate Crimes !!?? 

Two faced .. 

Hell will be Hot. 

Just check the Baptist Church in McClellanville, SC 

Shaun Taylor burns a stash house to the 

ground. - The Feds did nothing - 2019. 

Shaun Taylor found out The FBI had all 7 real names 

of the street named people Taquan Brown gave them.

Ta'quan Brown told the FBI  99 % of what 

they already knew. The difference was, he could 

name names. He gave them 7 street names. 

We over time turned them into real names. 

The FBI caused a huge Media frenzy in 2016 when 

they held a News Conference about what Brown 

told them. Again, other witnesses 7 years earlier 

told similar stories.  Wrote and signed Statements. 

All African American witnesses.... 

Who in God's name burns down a Stash house 

to the ground with the FBI looking at them??

Only a extremely guilty person does so. 

He knew some would snitch. 

More were involved. 

It's a crying shame when you can use your race
to get away with Human Trafficking. 

 Bad things happened in this house ..   

Even the Hood noticed this fire and shook their head. One friend said, "This is bigger than just Brittanee Drexel." He nailed it.    ,, More Victims ..   

Witnesses came forward in late 2009 early 2010 

saying these 4 men left for Myrtle Beach and 

returned 2 hours later with Brittanee Drexel. 

8 Detectives threatened with arrest in they simply 

interviewed any of them.  ( ?? )

The original 3 Detectives found out to much. 

All 3 removed off the Case. 

From 3 different Sheriffs Offices. 

Only the Feds can do that. 

It's like a US Senator son or nephew was in 

town and paid to have sex with a Kidnapped girl. 

Perhaps they didn't know she was kidnapped. 

Hunter Biden loves Crack, Cocaine and loves to party. 

The FBI was there from day 1. 

Never in our tenure as LEO's has the FBI showed up so 

fast to look for a 17 year old missing girl. 

Detectives threatened with arrest, 3 removed off the case, 

5 others threatened with arrest on the new Task Force 

when they saw the evidence: signed written statements,

the Video evidence withheld for over 10 years via 

the FBI.  - The FBI never told the family of Drexel 

they had released the damning evidence until 

we posted it. - Many text and phone calls that day.

Feds, DOJ were already up to no good.  

2 years later Raymood Moody walks in and confesses

with Shaun Taylor standing there with a lighter in his hand

and gasoline can ready to burn down more stash houses. 

 In late 2019 we were asked to stop talking about the Drexel case. 

We complied. The FBI had found something new. 

A year and a half passed by and Moody then confesses. 

Wait a minute. 

Raymond Moody was cleared in 2012. 

Was in jail and couldn't have taken her. 

The FBI and the News said these very words. 

The feds had a year and a half to convince Moody 

he did it. 

Look up LSD and the CIA project - MK Ultra. 

They learned of its effects on people after the 

Korean War.  - Russia and China had taken American 

Prisoners of War and turned them against America 

 by using LSD. It was found in there blood.  

The CIA started testing it in the 50's. 

The CIA used it on their own personnel.  

They could convince anyone, "they did it."

From secretaries, to inmates, to mental patients, 

to other co-workers. 

Many girls are still missing. 

The Feds left a mess. 

As one informant said, " Them boys were wild back in 

the day. But they calm now."  

He was talking about all the kidnapped girls they took. 

Joe Bidens DOJ and Feds are killing it. The truth. 

Democrats ruined a Human Trafficking Case and 

stole an Election. To protect there own. 

CCTV Camera of Brittanee Drexel right before she was taken. 

3 African Males right behind her.  

The Detectives got a tip who these men were in 

late 2009. By early 2010 they were ready with warrants 

to bring them in. This after 2 eye witnesses told them everything. 

Gave signed written statements and passed all polygraph test. 

The great Washington FBI stopped them cold.  

They never let the Detectives, at the very least, interview them 

to check out there alibis.    ..  The fix was on. 

Da'Shaun Taylor himself said, ' He had Suspicion of others.'

As he overheard 2 men arguing over Drexel's 

Cell Phone in McClellanville, SC. 

Both names redated off all reports. 

She can't be with Moody and in McClellanville also. 

Unless, as the FBI testified to in open court, Drexel 

was sold many times over. 

Many people in McClellanville are not buying the 

Moody story either. 

" Hold up, hold up, you mean to tell us with all that 

evidence against the Taylors and others that a lone 

white man took her ? Come now, Come now." 

" Yall remember all them police cars in our 

neighborhood, police talking with people, looking 

for that lil girl. Now a white man did it ? Hell naw."

We concur. Many others involved .. 

People only burn down drug / stash house because they 

Guilty as hell. 

Then delete the video of the arson. 

Shaun Taylors Towing Business. ( above )

What better way to kidnap than ride around in a 

Tow truck picking out victims, then call in the 

Van when you she a girl walking by herself. 

Many girls still missing ..

They were in there.

God has given you what you need to fulfill your destiny. If you needed different talents, different strengths, different looks, it would have happened. Quit comparing and run your race.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

They are trying to kill Trump.

President to be Trump nearly killed by a sniper.

This happens when you steal an election - Democrats. 

And they will do anything to keep control over us.  

More Wars, High Food Cost, Gas,  Division,  all by Democrats

and liberals.  ( they caused "peaceful protest" that were Not 

peaceful at all.  dems got innocent people killed )   

Hitler took peoples guns away. Democrats want to do the same. 

Look at what happened.  WWII .. 

Politicians from both political parties expressed outrage after former President Donald Trump was rushed off the stage at a campaign rally in Butler, Pa. on Saturday evening after shots were heard near the beginning of the event.

The incident, which left one rally attendee dead and the suspected gunman shot by Secret Service agents, is being investigated as a possible assassination attempt. The shooting occurred just minutes after the rally began, sending attendees into chaos.

Witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots. As shots rang out, Trump ducked and placed his hand to his ear as he was quickly surrounded by security personnel, with visible blood on his face. A spokesman for Trump’s campaign later said the former President was “fine,” although details about his injuries remained unclear.

Trump posted on his Truth Social account that he was shot by a bullet that pierced the upper part of his right ear. “I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!" he wrote.

Former First Lady Melania Trump releases statement, calls for America to reunite after her husband was inches away from being assass*nated.

"When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron's life, were on the brink of devastating change." "I am grateful to the brave Secret Service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband." "A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion - his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration." "The core facets of my husband's life - his human side - were buried below the political machine. Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times." "Dawn is here again. Let us reunite. Now."