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Monday, July 1, 2024

Stop Breaking the Law and No more problems with the Police !!  


 So many people said Trump was stupid to debate on CNN. But it’s Biden who unraveled in front of the nation under the conditions that his side set.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Whether Biden is replaced or not, the insane and dangerous policies of the Democrat elite will continue. This isn’t about Biden, it’s about the Democrat elite and their friends staying in power to continue pushing their agenda to engulf the world in war and continue their theft of our liberty.

 If you don’t learn to say no to some things, then nothing will change. Because the people that are counting on you to perform will always be there. They may not like it, but your health, your emotional well-being is more important than keeping everyone happy.

 The people in your life are not always going to be there. Don’t take them for granted. Slow down and enjoy the journey. It’s easy to live busy, stressed, upset but today is a gift from God. Don’t just endure it; enjoy it.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Yesterday, I visited the cemetery to see my daughter who passed away as a baby. As I was leaving, I noticed a man, He was talking to himself, carrying a sleeping bag, and it was evident that he was unwell and had nowhere else to go. The day was hot, and I watched him take a drink from the cemetery tap in the rear view mirror

Driving home, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Halfway there, I turned the car around and went to a food shop to get him some fish and chips along with two drinks. When I returned to the cemetery, he was still there. I gave him the food, and he asked me if I was his Aunt Stella. I tried to ask how he was doing, but he was often off-topic, clearly struggling with his health. Yet, he was polite and gentle Not gonna lie, I did cry How did we get here? How did we return to a time reminiscent of the Victorian era, where vulnerable people are left like this, In all the political posturing and noise, where is the care and support for the most vulnerable? As I left him, I realized I never asked his name. I wondered how long it had been since someone called him by his name, a basic form of recognition, acknowledging his humanity.

*We can provide the best hotels, free medical care and debit cards to people here illegally but somehow can’t take care of our own…

 My granddad is 91 years old.

I just got off the phone with him and he’s still one of the brightest and smartest people I know. He can tell stories for hours and loves to talk about different experiences he had. He would debate circles around Biden. The problem isn’t Biden’s age. It’s how coherent his mind is and what sort of mental deterioration is going on. Jill Biden’s willingness to keep her husband in the seat like this makes me question her devotion to him and her own motivations. It’s a Hillary-esque vibe.