As Americans we should be more worried about what's going on
Overseas in the Red Sea than a darn Label. Come on people.
The Red Sea leads to the Suez Canal, with Houthi Terrorist and
others, many Shipping Companies are having to go around Africa
because of Terrorist, Pirates, Threats period.
Costing you and I more money.
Terrorist don't give a darn about your skin color. If you are an
American they will either Kidnap you for money or Kill you
on the spot. Just because you are American. Wake - Up.
Your next Cell Phone will cost more because of what's going on
in the World. Food will continue to go up. ( used the cell phone
cost going up to hopefully catch younger peoples eye. )
Biden and the Dems are to weak on everything. Terrorist, Hamas,
Pirates, Criminals right here in America.
Bring back the Wipe A$$ Generation.
Plus a stronger Military.
The US Navy has less Ships than ever in History. Wake - up
people before it's to late.