Thank you Good Samaritan for helping this police officer.
This is what is happening all over the US. Crazy drivers
running Redlights and stop signs. Not nearly enough Police
Officers because Media, Biden, Woke, BLM, antifa,
Democrats, ect.,
Demonized all Officers. .. Innocent lives being taken.
Next time you hear someone say," Where are the Police??"
They quit remember. Retired. Changed careers.
Think it through before attacking all Officers.
Many people have died because people said," Defund the Police."
Democrats for you. Idiots..
Sunday, October 1, 2023
May God Bless you and keep you. May he be gracious to you
and give you his peace.
You can’t calculate His goodness. You can’t quantify His blessings, His favor, His increase. There are things He’s already planned for you that are out of the ordinary, uncommon. That’s why He said, “Lean not to your own understanding.”