Louise Farrakhan threatened Malcolm X very life in
a Newspaper Article he wrote in Dec. 1964. Just months later
3 brown men shot Malcolm X in front of 200 + people. Killing
him instantly.
Louise Farrakhan brain washed 3 young men into killing
Malcolm X. Nation of Islam he runs. Imagine that.
She said, "The Tan man, the Brown man and the Black man
called my father a Traitor. 3 Black men emptied there guns of
bullets into my fathers body. We cannot deny that. "
"Louise Farrakhan envy of Malcolm X had him killed."
Always remember this. Louise runs the, "Nation of Islam."
He is allowed in the US to preach hate for the past 50 plus
years. smh.
Everyone knows Louise Farrakhan had Malcolm X Murdered
because of Jealousy. ( same thing happens to rappers in the US
nearly everyday. )
Envy got Malcolm X killed by Louise. 3 young men can be easily
brain washed by someone like Farrakhan. He loves to preach hate.
God will get him. Hell is hot. Forever.